Riding a motorcycle amid Missouri’s lush landscapes and vibrant cities offers an exhilarating sense of freedom. However, it comes with inherent risks. 

As the weather continues to warm and motorcycles fill the roadways, it provides an opportunity to discuss the accident and injury hazards that can turn a pleasant outing into a tragedy. Here are some top causes of motorcycle accidents to keep in mind as you take to the road.

Distracted driving 

A leading cause of all vehicle accidents, distracted driving plays a role in far too many crashes. With the increasing use of smartphones and in-car technologies, drivers are more apt to take their eyes off the road than ever before. Driving distractions can be particularly dangerous for motorcyclists, whose smaller profile may already be hard to notice.

Impaired driving

Whether due to alcohol, drug use, fatigue or even illness, impaired driving still causes many accidents, despite strong deterrence measures. Drunk drivers often swerve unpredictably and react slower in an emergency, making them a big threat to motorcycle riders with less protection.

Traffic violations

When drivers violate traffic laws like speeding, it endangers all motorists, including those on two wheels. Kinetic energy, which depends on a speeding object’s mass and velocity, creates resistance. In other words, it takes longer for a fast-moving vehicle to slow and stop than one moving at posted speed limits.

Let’s continue to cherish the freedom of the ride but with a renewed commitment to safety for all road users. If the worst happens and you are injured in a motorcycle accident, seek guidance from someone who can help you get fair injury compensation under Missouri law.

The size of commercial trucks means that truck accidents can result in serious injuries and fatalities. Because of this, it is necessary to understand who may be liable. This is essential for accident victims who hope to recover damages for their injuries.

In many cases, more than one party is liable for a truck accident. Some of the parties who may be fully or partially at fault in truck accidents are listed here. 

Truck driver

The commercial truck driver is the first person considered when trying to determine liability. Drivers can be held responsible if they were negligent or violated traffic laws. 

Common reasons for driver liability include: 

  • Distracted driving
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Speeding
  • Not following hours-of-service regulations 

In cases where the driver’s actions resulted in an accident, they will be held liable.  

Trucking company

Sometimes, the trucking company will be partially to blame. The trucking company must ensure all drivers have been trained and screened. They must also ensure proper maintenance for all vehicles. 

If a trucking company fails to enforce safety regulations, conducts inadequate background checks or encourages drivers to violate hours-of-service rules, they can be held liable for accidents caused by these lapses.

Vehicle manufacturer

There are situations where truck accidents occur due to defects in a truck part. In this case, the part manufacturer may be liable. Examples of defects include faulty brakes, steering systems or tire blowouts. In such cases, the manufacturer’s liability is based on product liability laws, which hold manufacturers responsible for ensuring all parts are safe.  

Trying to figure out who is liable for a truck accident can be challenging. After all, several parties may be responsible. Working with professionals can help you determine liability and ensure the responsible party is held accountable. 

Tanker trucks transport vital liquids, such as gas and milk, around the country, but this comes at a cost. These large and heavy rigs can lead to considerable hazards to other motorists and vehicle occupants on the road.

One of the biggest hazards associated with tanker trucks is the liquid they carry. These tanks have baffles and bulkheads that can help to prevent some sloshing, but the liquid still experiences some motion as a rig moves. It’s possible that the momentum of the liquid can cause a trucker to lose control of the rig because the trailer is swinging too much.

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Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can stem from a variety of causes, including motor vehicle crashes. These injuries can result in various effects that can lead to lifelong changes for victims. They can affect a person’s personal life and their ability to earn a living.

If you’ve suffered a TBI or have a family member who has, understanding this condition can help you to prepare for what’s to come. These are three basic things you should know about these injuries to start.

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Missouri rain can become a real downpour, but when a storm leads to a car accident, the other driver’s insurance company might try to use the weather as an excuse. They might claim an act of God or nature caused the collision, potentially absolving the driver of any fault.

But what does it mean in insurance law, and could it impact your accident claim?

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Other drivers are going to make mistakes. You can limit your own errors on the road, but these drivers are always going to put you in danger. They could cause an accident that leads to severe injuries.

One of the best ways to avoid getting involved in such a crash is to become a better defensive driver. Defensive driving means anticipating mistakes and actively taking steps in advance to avoid accidents. For example, if someone is tailgating you, you should try to get them to pass your vehicle. This reduces the danger that you face. Here are three tips to help you become a better defensive driver this year.

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People who drink and drive are often habitual alcohol users. Some of them drink daily or go out every weekend and engage in binge drinking. Others may only drink at social gatherings but might choose to drive home when they are in an intoxicated state.

Individuals never know when they might encounter a drunk driver. They could end up hurt late at night or on their way to work in the morning. However, when looking at drunk driving crash statistics, there are some trends that are easy to identify. Specifically, one season is more dangerous than the other three.

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With the demands of jobs and families, many people find the early morning or late evening the best time to get their run in. Others just prefer the cooler weather compared to the warmer temperatures of Kansas City during the midday.

While there is constant debate about early morning versus late night runs, they have one thing in common: they occur when it’s dark.

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If you ride a motorcycle, you will be only too aware of the threat drivers can pose to you. However good a rider you are, you know it would only take one moment of negligence by a driver to end your life or leave you with severe injuries.

Understanding when collisions frequently occur can help you take extra caution in these moments:

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High schoolers often view the summer as the most free and fun time of the year. Being out of class for the summer means having a lot of leisure time. Teenagers sometimes get part-time jobs during the summer or spend as much time as possible with their friends.

That freedom begins to disappear when young adults achieve legal adulthood, so parents often let teenage children pursue leisure activities and spend much of their summers socializing. Unfortunately, being away from school and having a greater degree of personal freedom could put a teen at risk of a major motor vehicle collision. According to a review of collision statistics, the summer months are when it is most dangerous for teenagers to be out on the road.

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