May 19, 2022

The future is now yet we still don’t have hoverboards. Luckily we are starting to have more types of self-driving cars, which pura us all one step closer to an ideal, technologically advanced future. 

The luxury self-driving cars provide the means of getting from point A to point B without lifting a finger. Yet, it may be the fact that you don’t have to do much with a self-driving car that makes them dangerous. 

Self-driving cars are supposed to make life easier and safer. However, humans are prone to mistakes and it is the same humans that created this technology. You could face serious to permanent issues or injuries because of a faulty or untested self-driving car. Here’s what you should know:

Hacking and remote control takeovers are bound to happen

Hacking isn’t just some movie trope: It happens daily to many people. Now that technology is integrated with our cars, they are more prone to hacking

This could mean someone could take your car for a joy ride while sitting behind a desk at home. You could be in the car while this happens and have no control over your car, putting you in danger.

The technology isn’t built to consider human error

Self-driving cars are still a growing industry. That means most of the cars on the highway are still manually driven. This makes it harder for self-driving cars to work around unpredictable drivers. 

Some of the software built for self-driving cars rely on the signals of similar self-driving cars. The lack of other self-driving cars means they don’t have the right signs to warn them about accidents, shifts in weather or construction.

Self-driving cars give a false sense of security for what they promise. Being in an accident because of a car you have no control over could prove fatal – but you could also be deeply injured by a driver who relies too much on unproven technology. If you’re in a wreck, find out more about your right to compensation.