May 10, 2022

Are you ready for the 100 deadliest days of the summer? Because they’re almost here. As soon as Memorial Day hits, this deadly period of the year begins, and it won’t end until Labor Day.

Studies have found that thousands of people pass away in car accidents during these summer months, showing elevated levels when compared to the rest of the year. This doesn’t exclusively impact young drivers, but they are at the heart of the problem. All drivers need to know about the increased risk in the months to come.

Why does it happen?

The simple reason that the 100 deadliest days of the summer occur is because they are the same days in which high school students and college students no longer have to be on campus or going to class. They get a break for the summer months, and they have a relative amount of freedom. While many people look back on this nostalgically and students certainly love that level of freedom, it also makes the roads a much more dangerous place.

Teen drivers, after all, are widely known as the highest risk group. They make the most mistakes due to their inexperience, and they cause a disproportionate number of deadly accidents.

During the school year, this is mitigated somewhat by the fact that the students are not on the road. They do have to drive to and from school, but they spend the rest of the day in classrooms. Even after class ends, many of them have homework to do at the house or they are involved in activities like playing football or being part of the drama club. They’re so busy that they don’t spend as much time driving.

The summer is the complete opposite, when they’re not busy at all. They drive much more to take vacations, spend time with friends, go to parties or even to go to summer jobs. Traffic levels increase in a general sense, and much of this increase comes from teenagers and other young drivers who are simply more likely to cause accidents.

Have you lost a loved one?

There is not much that you can do to eliminate this risk, as it is simply something that all drivers have to face. As such, if you have lost a loved one in a car accident, make sure you are well aware of the legal options at your disposal.