Nov 18, 2022

Most fractures or broken bones respond very well to Western medicine. Modern imaging technology makes pinpointing the location of the fracture and properly setting it easier than ever before in human history. Every step of the process, from pain management to physical therapy after the bone knits has improved over the decades.

The average person who breaks a bone can expect a complete recovery, sometimes in as little as six weeks. Even those who break a major bone can regain full functionality and range of motion with proper medical intervention and therapy following their physical recovery.

However, in a tiny portion of broken bone cases, individuals will have lasting, serious medical issues because of a fracture. Car crashes are so violent that they increase the risk of individuals potentially suffering a very poor outcome following a fracture. When is a broken bone a lasting issue that will affect your health and income?

When the fracture is particularly severe

While most broken bones are simple, stable fractures that remain closed, other times, bones break in catastrophic ways. An open or compound fracture occurs when the bone pushes through the skin, resulting in blood loss and infection risk. Comminuted fractures are another serious issue. The bone breaks into many pieces, which can take much longer to heal and be more difficult for doctors to set.

A spiral fracture is a form of comminuted fracture that occurs when the motion that causes the break involves a twisting force. Comminuted and spiral fractures may require surgery and can cause lasting limitations for weight-bearing in some cases.

When the body heals improperly

Broken bones are one of the traumas associated with the onset of complex regional pain syndrome CRPS. This condition involves worsening pain and a loss of strength and range of motion even after someone fully heals.

CRPS is typically a progressive condition that will get worse, and there is currently no known cure. Many people with CRPS will find themselves limited regarding what jobs they can do if their symptoms worsen.

Although you may have bills immediately after a car crash and may believe that a broken bone will have minimal financial impact, it is very important for you to understand the possible complications that might arise before you choose to settle a claim and lose your right to future compensation if your fracture has longer-lasting consequences than you initially anticipate.

Properly evaluating the effects of a car crash injury can help those negotiating insurance or contemplating a civil lawsuit.