Feb 19, 2024

Picture this: you are driving home after a fruitful day at the office when, out of nowhere, you hear a bang! An accident has happened, and you are the victim. Your car has been hit from behind.

Rear-end crashes account for nearly 30 percent of all car accidents. This makes them one of the leading causes of car wrecks. How exactly do these accidents happen? The leading causes of rear-end collisions include the following.

Distracted driving

From personal grooming to operating a cellular device, changing the CD or radio station and eating, distraction basically takes a driver’s eyes and attention off the road. This can greatly increase the risk of a rear-end crash, often especially when a vehicle in front of a distracted driver is stopped at a red light.

Speeding and tailgating

When a motorist is driving too fast and/or following too closely, they may not have adequate time to respond to an emergency. These too can greatly increase the chance of a rear-end crash.

Mechanical problems

If a car’s braking system isn’t working properly, it might have problems responding to emergency stops. Other mechanical problems like faulty brake lights and taillights can also increase the risk of a rear-end crash.

If you are involved in a rear-end crash

The law allows you to pursue the liable party for damages if you are hurt in a rear-end crash that is either not your fault or only partially your fault. Before going to court, however, you’ll need to take care of your health, even if you think you’re not hurt. It’s not unusual for some injury symptoms to be delayed. Seeking immediate treatment will help to ensure that hidden injuries are properly diagnosed and treated in time.

A rear-end crash can leave you with serious injuries. Find out how proper legal guidance can help you safeguard your rights and interests while pursuing the damages you could be entitled to.